Saturday 18 February 2017

देशद्रोह की सालगिरह

एक वर्ष बीत गया कन्हैया को देशद्रोही कह कर गिरफ्तार किया गया था पर आज भी न्यायालय चालान पेश किये जाने के इंतज़ार में है। ये अभियुक्त के लिए भी जरूरी है  कि उसके खिलाफ लगाए गए इल्जाम का जबाव देने का उसे मौका मिले। आज भी आम आदमी ये जानना चाहता है  कि क्या कन्हैया ने नारे लगाए थे। बहस को यहीं तक सीमित करवा देना राजनैतिक विजय हो सकती है पर कानून की नहीँ।  हालाँकि देशद्रोह के मुकद्दमे विनायक सेन ,  हार्दिक पटेल व सैंकड़ो नागरिकों पर चले हैं। इसके बाद भी यथासिथ्ति चिंता का विषय है आने वाली सरकारें भी इसका गलत इस्तेमाल कर सकती हैं।  

आज के माहौल में जहां अविश्वास और दौलतमंद होने की मानव की दौड़ बढ़ी  है उसने तर्क और तार्किकता को कहीं कोने में सडांध मारने को छोड़ दिया है। जिसके उदाहरण के रूप में सड़क पर न्याय होना शुरू हो गया असंतुष्टता ने भी अपना बखूबी काम किया।  ये जल्दबाज़ी कि प्रवृति का बखूबी इस्तेमाल किया गया और जे एन यू इसका शिकार बना। राजनैतिक दलों की सबसे बड़ी सफलता नागरिकों को गैर राजनीतिक बनाने से हुई है। सवाल हमेशा रहेगा जब राजनीती ही एक नागरिक  के जीवन से जुडी हर क्रिया को निर्धारित करती है तो वो राजनीती क्यों न करे, क्यों राजनीति को किसी खास वर्ग के लिए ही छोड़ दिया जाये।ध्यान रहे इसे अपने तक सरंक्षित रखने  के लिए राजनैतिक जन्तुओं द्वारा इसे गन्दा व् घृणित दर्शाया जाता रहा है । 

राजनीति का  चुनाव केंद्रित ही  हो जाना और लोगों की भावनाओं का इस्तेमाल मूलभूत सवालों से भटकाने के लिए करना भविष्य के लिए भयावह हो सकता है क्योंकि लोगों ने ही मिलकर लोकतंत्र को अपनाया है जिसे संविधान की प्रस्तावना सुरक्षित करती है।  संवाद की सम्भावनाये खत्म कर देना लोकतंत्र की पहचान नही हो सकती। लोकतंत्र के विकास के लिए भिन्न भिन्न विचारधारा का सम्मान और अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतन्त्रता का होना अवश्यम्भावी है। ये इस लिए भी जरूरी है क्योंकि सत्तापक्ष साधारण बहुमत पर ही सरकार बनाता है पर विपक्षी को भी नागरिकों का समर्थन रहता है।

मामला  न्यायालय में विचारधीन है कोई नई टिप्पणी नहीँ हो सकती है। कानूनों की व्याख्या करने का एकमात्र अधिकार क्षेत्र शीर्ष अदालतो का बनता है ।  केदारनाथ वर्सस बिहार मामले में न्यायालय ने १२४ A को परिभाषित किया है और किसी भी क्रिया को उसके बाद हुई  हिंसा से जोड़ा है ।  यदि परिभाषा चुनी हुई सरकार  के प्रति अवमान की है  तो किसी का समर्थन करने और उकसाने में भी अंतर है।  अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता को भी संविधान ही अपने में समेटे है क्योंकि लोकतंत्र में हर इंसान को अपनी बात रखने का अधिकार है यही लोकतंत्र की खूबसूरती है।  देशभक्ति की बुनियाद इतनी कमजोर कैसे हो सकती है जो सिर्फ भारतमाता की जय नारे तक ही जाकर सीमित हो जाती हो चाहे उसकी आड़ में प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का दोहन करना अपने निजी स्वार्थ के लिए बखूबी चल रहा हो।  दलितों, आदिवासियों , महिलाओं , अल्पसंख्यकों इत्यादि पर जुल्म करना कितना न्यायोचित है महज इसलिए की देशभक्ति के नारे लगा दिए और देश भक्ति की परीक्षा पास कर दी। इस विचार पर चलते हुए और विपरीत समझ वाले को खारिज़ कर देना राष्ट्रवाद नही बल्कि उपहास है। 

ये असहिष्णुता की चरम  सीमा है जहां पर सरकार की बात पर सहमति रखने और अनुसरण करने को ही देशभक्ति की व्याख्या बना देना लोकतंत्र के भविष्य के लिए खतरनाक हो सकता है। बुनियादी सवाल उन पर भी उठता है जो सैनिकों के नाम की राजनीती तो कर जाते हैं पर खुद सेना में हो रहे घोटालों में लिप्त पाए जाते हैं। चुनावों से पहले झूठे वादे  करना और देश की जनता को सपने दिखा कर मुर्ख बना देना क्या कहलाया जायेगा । उन प्रतिष्ठित उद्योगपतियों को क्या कहा जिन्होंने खूब लूट खसौट की ओर पकड़े जाने के डर  से देश ही छोड़ दिया। 

सरकारों का रवैया भी अपनी आलोचना सुनने का रहना चाहिए।  जल्दबाज़ी में सवाल पैदा करने वाले पर प्रहार कर देना आवाज़ को दबा देना मात्र है जिसका भविष्य के लिए कोई बेहतर परिणाम नही निकल सकता। इसका आपातस्तिथि में गलत इस्तेमाल भी किया जा सकता है।  भावनाओ में  बह कर और सवालों के जवाब ढूंढे बिना आगे बढ़ना उस शिखर बिंदू पर खड़े होना है जहाँ से दुबारा फिसलने का खतरा बरकरार है।

  विक्टर ढिस्सा , अधिवक्ता

Monday 27 April 2015

Dedicated to Nepal Earthquake Victims:

कुदरत जब इन्साफ करती है
झोंपड़ी ही नहीं महलों को भी साफ़ करती है
लाख पहरे तुम लगा लो
दीवारों को और बढ़ा लो 
हम भी तिनके और जुटा लें
झोंपड़ी में दरवाज़ा एक और लगा लें
ना कोई भगवान, ना अल्लाह फिर आएगा
ज़लज़ला मौत का जब धरती पे फेल जायेगा
रात तुम्हारी भी काली होगी
नींद हमारी भी बेमानी होगी
पेट जब भूख को आवाज़ देगा
थाली दोनों की तब एक ही सजेगी
ना कन्धा तेरा ऊँचा होगा
ना आवाज़ कहीं मेरी सुनाई देगी
कुदरत जब इन्साफ करेगी
ना तुझको, ना मुझको वो माफ़ करेगी...!!!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Dedicated to Uttarakhand and Himachal flood victims :-


मौत के करीब जा रहे आस्तिक से नास्तिक होते एक इंसान की अपने प्रभु से आखिरी बात...

बेहतर ज़िन्दगी की तलाश में आया था
बदतर मौत के करीब जा रहा हूँ
सोचा था तेरे दर्शन करता चलूँ
अब सीधा तुझसे मिलने आ रहा हूँ...

अभी कल ही तो हँसना शुरू किया था
ज़िन्दगी को जैसे जीना शुरू किया था
अब अचानक तेरा मुझको ये बुलावा
मेरे अपनों को तेरे खिलाफ भड़का रहा है...

ताउम्र मेरी पापों से भरी तेरी कृपा से सराबोर रही
अब एक पल की भक्ति का ये सिला पा रहा हूँ
बेहतर ज़िन्दगी की तलाश में आया था
बदतर मौत के करीब जा रहा हूँ....

अभी कल ही तो एक आशियाना बसाया था
खुद ही उसका पता भूलता जा रहा हूँ
सोचा था तेरे दर्शन करता चलूँ
अब सीधा तुझसे मिलने आ रहा हूँ....

'Alex Dhissa'

Friday 12 April 2013

नब्‍बे वर्षीय महिला के साथ बलात्कार

होशियारपुर। पंजाब में होशियारपुर जिले के मांड मोटला गांव में हुई एक चौंकाने वाली घटना में 90 साल की बुजुर्ग महिला के साथ कथित रूप से बलात्कार किया गया।

पुलिस ने बताया कि यह घटना गुरुवार रात हुई। यह महिला ढंग से बोल भी नहीं पाती है और उसकी स्मरणशक्ति कमजोर हो गई है। वह प्रार्थना करने के लिए पास के धार्मिक स्थल पर जाती थी।

कल शाम इस महिला के पुत्र ने पाया कि हलेर जनार्दन के भगतराम के पुत्र रघबीर सिंह ने वनक्षेत्र में पीड़िता पर यौन हमला किया। उसे देखकर रघबीर भाग गया। पुलिस ने आरोपी के खिलाफ मामला दर्ज कर लिया है।

सौजन्य : Web Dunia, Bhasha

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Men Can Still Rape Their Wives

Campaigners have criticised the Indian government after ministers cleared a new tougher anti-rape bill to curb widespread sexual violence against women - but failed to make marital rape a criminal offence.

The Congress-led cabinet has been under intense pressure to strengthen legal protection for women following national protests over the gang rape and murder of a student on a Delhi bus last December.

The 23-year-old physiotherapy student died from extensive internal injuries caused by six men who raped her as she and a friend returned from a visit to the cinema.

Under the new bill, convicted rapists face a minimum sentence of 20 years to natural life and the death penalty if the victim dies from her injuries or is left in a persistent vegetative state.

It also sets tougher penalties for non-sexual but gender-related acid attacks on women and makes new offences of stalking and voyeurism following a series of cases of secretly recorded film clips of women circulated by mobile phone messages.

The new bill introduces new protections for women to prevent them being charged in cases where rape allegations have not been proved. It reduces the age of consent from 18 to 16 and defines rape as a crime which can only be committed by a man against a woman.

"[The] Anti-rape Bill has been cleared. All recommendations of the Group of Ministers [have been] accepted," Law Minister Ashwini Kumar said on Thursday following a cabinet meeting to discuss the proposals.

The proposals, which must now be approved by parliament, received a mixed reception from women's rights campaigners who said India still had a long way to go to giving women the legal right to refuse sex.

The cabinet's failure to criminalise rape within marriage reflected the alarming fact that many ordinary people in India do not regard it as a crime, said leading commentator and novelist Nilanjana Roy.

Campaigners believe many of India's rapes are committed by husbands against their wives. Overnight crime statistics reveal that more than 99,000 Indian women surfed cruelty from their husbands in 2011.

Ms Roy welcomed many of the measures as "all things we've been fighting for," but said the government does not yet dare to tackle marital rape because it "strikes at the heart of the arranged marriage system.

"Marriage is predicated on your family's consent rather than hers. In most arranged marriages you marry a stranger and he has rights over you, you hope he will be kind and sensitive but there's no guarantee. So when you say sex within a marriage requires a woman's consent, people in India can't get their heads around it," she said.

"It's a shock to realise that in a large section of the country the assumption is a woman loses her fit to a lot of things when she gets married, but these people would be horrified if you said they were sanctioning rape," she added.

:- Business Insider 

Monday 18 March 2013

Lahaul and Spiti shows the way

When paranormal protests over gang rapes, female infanticides and honour killings threatens to overthrow governments in India, the Himalayan land of Lahaul - Spiti in Himachal Pradesh shows the way for women respect and prosperity. 

Although women in most of the tribes have been treated equally, the valley has obtained distinction in the safety and status of the women and the society as in whole.

By Alexander Dhissa

The naked & rugged snow top mountains, people wearing warm clothes, tandoor pipes releasing thick smoke, windows and doors shut closed, vacant roads and rivers running out of water are all about the hard life of Lahaul-Spiti district in Himachal Pradesh during every winter. But this hardest zone of the earth also has the softest place its women in the country.   

Third lowest populous district in India with 2 men per square kilometer Lahaul and Spiti claims the highest sex ratio in the country with 1,017 women every thousand male according to the 2011 census. The average ratio of the country is 940 females every thousand males which itself is far behind this district. 
The official record of the district further establishes that the female foeticide is zero unlike any other parts of India. The immediate neighbouring states of Haryana, Punjab and Uttarakhand have disappointing sex ratio with crimes ranging from female infanticide, dowry killing, honour killing to sex crimes.
Not an unprecedented result

This change is not abrupt and must not come as a surprise to you. This land has a long history following of treating its women no less than equal to men. “The ancient history illustrates status of Lahauli women was better from in the society than that of the women in general society over the centuries,” says Maheshwar Thakur, professor at Kukumseri College, Udaipur, Lahaul.

Gathering, farming, singing, dancing and the like has remained a part of everyday life of women. This perhaps indicates that the women represented fertility, motherhood and were the progenitors of the tribe.

“Although, women are treated at par to the male members in most of the tribal societies of the Himalayas but such fertility that Lahaul women have is not to be seen anywhere else,” says Thakur.

Upfront on Education and Administration

Education forms the base for social developments and literacy is on ever increase in the district. According to the Census 2011,

Reaping Royalty, Nothing Else Matters

The royal families of India still rule the political arenas of the country. They are MLAs, MPs and Ministers. And for this, they do not need to be political or social expert, but prominent enough in keeping up their royal profile. This is substantiated from the Himachal Pradesh experience where no royal member ever loses election.

By Alexander Dhissa

Mammoth corruption charges by state agencies including Income Tax Department, hostile media show, a cemented position of BJP and a strong base provided by Sangh. This all happened to deceit Congress, that was largely into broken fragments, to hover even nearby a ‘win’ in the last assembly election of Himachal Pradesh. What result that really followed post election was a matter of great surprise for those who are not aware of the ‘royal’ politics or the ‘politics’ of the royals in the country.

The victory of Virbhadra Singh, the old raja of Bushehr in Shimla district, inflicted a shocker over all. The people of the state paved the way for their raja. After 65 years since our constitutional setup, it is astonishing that these raj gharanas have significance in today India. Their power ranges from social to political spheres.
A collective analysis of the political career of MPs and MLAs with a royal lineage suggests that they are highly successful in winning elections even though at a young age. Political experience, educational background and socially involvement is no bar as long as the candidate belongs to a royal family. Though the similar situation persists in several parts of the country but extremely deep rooted in Himachal Pradesh.

Virbhadra once himself accepted the extra political benefit of belonging to a royal family during 2012 elections. "Of course it has an impact. You have a good reputation, people trust you, people have their faith on you and they bestow their blessings and so no one can challenge you,” he asserted during the election campaign.” He had corruption charges against him and was forced to leave MSME ministry. As steel minister he met with similar fate.

Singh was succeeded to the position of king at an age of 13 in just at the time of Independence. He entered politics and hence became the youngest member of Third Lok Sabha in 1962. Article 363A in the Constitution clearly explains that the powers and titles of the rulers of the native states have already been discontinued along with the privy purses.

Virbhadra is not the sole royal winner in Himachal Pradesh. Maheshwar Singh is considered as the regent of Raghunath (Lord Ram) and enjoys an unchallenged royal status among the people of Kullu. He is considered trustee of the weeklong world famous International Kullu Dussehra festival which starts and ends only in his presence. He doesn’t travel in ‘laal batti’ or white SUV rather enjoys his kingship in the Palanquinon festival days.   
Maheshwar Singh inflicted a staggering defeat by an immense margin on his main opponent from his constituency even after he left Bhartiya Janta Party. 

Communist Party of India state secretariat member Desh Raj says, “People are still living in the feudal past; they doesn’t seem doing away with the kingship system. King is treated to the level of god’s incarnation.” He says that Himachal is a developed state and it stands third as far as 2011 Human Development Index (HDI) is concerned. “The literacy rate is much higher than the nation average. And even then people continue to rally behind the royal families,” Desh Raj informs. The political success rate of a candidate with royal background is almost hundred per cent.
Sher Singh Funfundra, grass root BJP worker, asserts, “Himachal has a distinction of being the least corrupt state in India and choose a Chief Minister with high corruption charges. This is demoralizing.”

Others in the fray

Four times Member of Parliament and now a member of the state legislature Maheshwar Singh of Himachal Lokhit Party belongs to the erstwhile princely
state of Mandi. Chandresh Kumari union minister of culture is also a member of royal family of Jodhpur and married to the royals in Himachal. Earlier, she has been a three-time legislator and two-times MP elected from Himachal.

Pratibha Singh daughter of a royal family and wife of Virbhadra Singh was the member of 14th Loksabha and also MLA from the state.

Asha Kumari from the Chamba royal family, Vijay Jyoti Sen of Keonthal royal family, Anirudh Singh from the erstwhile Koti and Karan Singh, brother of Maheshwar Singh are all running a successful career in state or national politics.

This is nothing but really a depressing fact that anybody with a royal connection goes on to win election without any toil for the reason that every second person living in a democracy on the planet happens to be an Indian.

Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttrakhand are few states which have Royal families of ancient time ruling the states by all means.     In a time when world is claiming to be globalised, getting tech savvy, societies are fighting for their democratic rights, people swallowing up the power of science, it is difficult to figure out how these families are reaping  politico-religious benefits.


‘Royals also have democratic rights’

Maheswar Singh, who belongs to the royal family of Kullu, speaks to Alexander Dhissa on the political issues in the state. Drug trafficking and unemployment are also a part of his talk.

Q- How do you see that Virbhadra Singh with corruption charges against him won the election and became the CM?

A – You see, so far the charges against Virbhadra Singh have been a concern with the court. It’s court jurisdictions and in some of those charges, he has been let off.

Q-Do you believe that it is quite easier for a person belonging to a royal family to get into politics?

A- What I feel is neither it is qualification nor it is a disqualification to become a public representative. We have got the democratic right to contest election, whether a person is from poor family or royal family.

Q- Do you think people have emotional dealings with your family and that’s the reason you don’t lose elections?

A-When compared with the other candidates, people are under the impression that families with good background are honest. They see us as clean and good caretakers of them in the future.

Q- You have secure only one seat in the last elections, do you regret the decision to ally with Left Front in election?

A-I don’t regret, although we have won only one seat but we have succeeded in our mission. That was to remove the corrupt people from power. You must appreciate that on many seats BJP candidates lost because of our clean image-candidates. Their mission of repeat (Chief Minister) was converted into mission of defeat.

Q- Does your party look to fight the 2014 Lok Sabha elections too?

A- Definitely.

Q-What is your initiative to curb the problem of use of drugs among Kullu youth as the district has earned a bad name in marijuana production?

A-Some alternative has to be found out as people are unemployed. These are mainly village people who indulge in these practices. Problem is that only suppliers are caught and buyers get away easily. We have to crush the entire market chain.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

मेरे जहां की दास्तां

झूठ कहते हैं वो छत पत्थरों से बनती है
खुला आसमां भी बुरा सहारा तो नहीं
लगाते होंगे दीवारों पे वो सोने की परत
सर्द हवाओं की दीवारों के होते हुए हम भी बेसहारा तो नहीं

वो जन्म लेते हैं जिन्दगी जीने के लिए
जिन्दगी हमें जीती है जन्म देने के लिए
मौत भी पे मातम उनके तमाम होता है
मेरे मरने भर से भी मौत नाम बदनाम होता है

उन्हे रास्ते में अपने पत्थर रास नहीं आता
इन्ही पत्थरों के बीच मजा हमें मखमली घास का है आता
उनके कुत्ते की भी किस्मत सा भाग नहीं है
मैं हर शाम भूखा रह जाता वो चांदी की थाली में भर-भर के है खाता

उनकी गाड़ी के पहिए से बुरे मेरे पांव हो चले हैं
खून दोनो ही कातिल समान लिए हुए हैं
वो पिछले मोड़ पे गरीब को कुचल आए हैं
मेरे पैरों पे रंग मेरे खून का ही चढ़ा हुआ है

Alexander Dhissa
Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Thursday 13 September 2012

कुछ को लगा हार गया हूं

I Will Try, Until I Die 
कुछ को लगा हार गया हूं
मुझ को लगा जीत गया हूं
दौड़ खत्म कहां हुई है
फैसले में अब भी वक्त बहुत है...

साथ चलना हमने शुरु किया
तेज़ दौड़ना सब ने शुरु किया
लड़खड़ा के ही तो गिरे हैं

दौड़ में तो अब भी शामिल सही...

हर दांव तुम्हारा देख चुके हैं
कुछ तीर हमारे भी सही
मोहरे तुम्हारे यूं खूब लड़े हैं
बादशाह ! बन के हम भी अड़े हैं...

तेज़.. धारा से नाव चलती नहीं
आंधियों में आग लगती नहीं
धरती पे दौड़के तुम क्या करोगे
हम आसमां में उड़ते रहेंगे...

चलो.. हर हार हमने मान ली
जीत भी तो अब बंट के रहेगी
दौड़ तो तुम जीत चुके हो
मंज़िलों पे अब कब मिलोगे...

एलेग्ज़ेण्डर ढिस्सा

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Girl shot in the eye while trying to save father from assaulters in Bihar

A 15-year-old girl has been left blind in one eye after she was shot in the face by goons who she fought to save her father, a barber, in Bihar's Naugarh village, less than 100 km from Patna. Doctors are battling to save her other eye.

The girl's father, Biseshwar Thakur, says one of his clients, a man he identified as Rahul, was not satisfied with the way he had trimmed his beard and assaulted him. When Mr Thakur's daughter intervened to help her father, Rahul and another man with him turned to her and pulled at her dupatta, in an effort, says the father, to molest her. The girl started to run; when she looked back, one of the men shot her in the eye, he alleged.

The teen has been taken to the Patna Medical College and Hospital, where doctors are trying to save the other eye.

The police have not arrested any of the accused so far.

Courtesy :- NDTV